Access Keys:

Saints & Scholars Integrated Primary School, Armagh

Opening Hours & Holidays

Term Time After school Club - Monday to Friday  Session 2pm to 6pm

                                                                      Session 3pm to 6pm

September Waiting Club - Monday to Friday  Session (to be confirmed)

School Holidays - Monday to Friday  Full day Session 8.15am to 6pm  

                                                    Short day Session 8.15am to 3pm

Fun 4U Club will be closed on the following dates;

23rd Dec. 2024 - 3rd Jan. 2025 (Christmas)

17th March (St'Patrick's Day)

18th April (Good Friday) - 21st & 22nd April (Easter Monday & Tuesday)

5th & 26th May (Bank Holidays)

Summer 2025

14th - 18th July (Staff Holidays)

25th - 29th August. 

All dates are inclusive.